Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Google Boys

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders of Google, give a presentation at a TED conference.

"We started Google because we wanted to make the world a better place. Both of us went to Montessori school, and this has been incorporated into Google." At Google, they have a concept called 20% time. Employees get to spend 20% (the equivalent of a whole work day) of their time, doing what they think is the best thing to do.

The solutions to today's problems will come from people who are able to dream new ideas. One of the beautiful aspects of the Montessori Philospophy is that it enables students to develop the type of question asking and creative thinking skills necessary to be the dreamers of solutions. It also helps them develop the desire and concern to care enough to follow their dreams for the greater good.

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