Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Common Threads

I spent the first part of the summer doing alot of thinking and some reading, and came across these common threads.

The first one is this video: The Story of Stuff

The second one came from trying to understand the history of the American education system and philosophy.
The third thread, which I've linked to before, is from Riane Eisler's book, "The Real Wealth of Nations."

I'll let you make the connections. As a Montessorian, these threads cry out for us to continue moving forward with the Montessori philosophy. The future depends on it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Montessori Movement

Here is an interesting article about the Montessori Philosophy and Jewish schools. I love this thought from the article...

"Montessori schools offer not only a specific model of education, but also a vision of the type of people they want their graduates to become.

“I don’t want [my children] to be crushed into a mold,” Yoni Gershan said. “Where are the leaders going to come from? They’re not going to come from a place where the goal is conformity.”