Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trust, Enthusiasm, and Forward Movement

I am so glad to be part of this blog, and a group of teachers who are so committed to the growth of young people. Although I am not yet trained in Montessori, I chose to enroll my child in Towles Montessori. I trust the community and style of learning offered to my child. Thank you for living the life of a Montessori teacher, allowing me to provide reading instruction to Montessori students, and accepting me as a peer in this learning community.

I am inspired by Joshua's posting about trust. I trust Towles is the appropriate environment for each student to reach his or her potential. Each teacher offers so much to our community and to the students. Your trust in Maria Montessori is what liberates each student to fulfill their destiny. Keep the trust alive!

I blindly opened The Tao of Montessori and was delighted to see this quote:

Either education contributes to a movement of universal liberation by showing the way to defend and raise humanity or it becomes like one of those organs which have shriveled up by not being used during the evolution of the organism. ~Maria Montessori

Here's to keeping FWCS and Towles alive and moving forward, for the best! I am excited about the discourse to follow!

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